
Friday, July 27, 2012

Chicken of the Sea Giveaway...

"Chicken of the Sea’s Mermaid is turning 60 this year! Instead of a birthday party, the Mermaid wants to reward other exceptional sixty-somethings with the Chicken of the Sea 60s & Sensational Contest!

Chicken of the Sea’s 60s and Sensational Contest asks Facebook fans to nominate themselves or someone they know, between the ages of 60 and 69, who fuels their mind, body and spirit with healthy eating, activity and personal fulfillment. Four grand-prize winnerswill be able to choose from three sensational birthday packages: a 60s and Sensational $1,000 shopping spree; dinner with three friends including a limo for transportation; or a spa package for two, complete with hotel accommodations and dinner.
Facebook fans that submit a nominee will also be entered into a daily contest giveaway for the chance to win cool Chicken of the Sea swag."

We want to hear your tips on how you stay sensational. Two commenters will be randomly chosen to win prize packs that include exercise mats, stability balls and two cans of Chicken of the Sea’s newest product, Chicken of the Sea No Drain Tuna.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure:  ABCD Diaries was in no way compensated for this post. The opinions expressed in this post are ours and ours alone.


  1. As Maureen

    I spend time with my family but I also make sure that I have some time to just be calm as it is rather hard when you are part of a large family. I also go out and walk with my husband at the end of the day so that we can reconnect.

  2. We focus on good nutrition and a slower lifestyle
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  3. I try to always be nice to everyone around me :)

  4. entered almond breeze

  5. I try to laugh every day and have fun with my family!

  6. I entered the Almond Breeze giveaway

  7. I try to drink eight glasses of water every day and I moisturize every single time I shower. My mother is turning 66 in October and she looks sensational - hope I get those genes! She is amazing inside and out.

  8. I never turn down an opportunity to try something new!

  9. i drink lots of water
    debbie jackson,
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  10. New projects keep my creative juices going!

    thewson at tidewater dot net

  11. I try to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night!

  12. I keep positive and active during the day.

  13. I drink lots of water and get plenty of sleep!

  14. get plenty of sleep
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  15. Drinking lots of water and juicing at least 3 or 4 times a week!

  16. I drink lots of water, than I drink a lot more!
    ababe28 at hotmail dot com

  17. I make time for the things that are relaxing, like knitting and lounging in the hot tub.

  18. Entered the Lark Giveaway too
    ababe28 at hotmail dot com

  19. I try to keep fit and eat right-we eat fish every Friday and Chicken of the Sea Tuna is a big staple at our house.

  20. I try to enjoy every minute of every is too short not to be sensational!

  21. I stay sensational by eating right & doing yoga

  22. Lots of water, walking and eating right!

    maloydeals at gmail dot com

  23. I stay sensational by watching what I eat.


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