
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Nick's Sticks #Review

ABCD Diaries was given samples for review purposes only. We were in no other way compensated. The opinions expressed in this post are ours and ours alone. 

  We recently had the chance to review Nick's Sticks:

Nick's Sticks claims to have "All of the Goodness, None of the Garbage!"  That means you won't find MSG, antibiotics, hormones or gluten in these sticks.  What will you find?  Deliciousness, that's what!  We really enjoyed or Nick's Sticks!  The kiddos loved the original turkey and beef sticks, while B and I preferred their spicy counterparts.  These meat sticks come from grass-fed cows and free-range turkeys...see?  ALL the goodness:)  ABCD Diaries gives Nick's Sticks an A+!

Buy It:
You can find these yummy meat sticks at Nick's Sticks

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