
Monday, April 21, 2014

Purex No Sort #Review #Giveaway

ABCD Diaries was given products for review purposes only. We were in no other way compensated. The opinions expressed in this post are ours and ours alone. 

  We recently had the chance to review the new Purex No Sort laundry detergent:

What we thought:  
I'll be honest...not sorting my laundry scares really does!  I am an odd bird who LOVES doing laundry and the thought of not sorting it kind of freaks me out.  I guess I like a sense of order, ya know?  However, for the sake of this review, I dove in!  Okay, maybe I didn't dive in, but I at least dipped my toe in the waters:) 
I wasn't quite ready to just throw in my whitest whites and my brightest colors, but I did let B's undershirts go in with the colors thinking if worse came to worse, I would just inherit a bunch of pink t-shirts:)
I shouldn't have feared though...Purex No Sort came through for this laundry perfectionist and everything came right back out as it went in (only cleaner of course:)  Whew!  
If you are the reckless type with your laundry I definitely recommend this! Just kidding:)
ABCD Diaries would recommend Purex No Sort to anyone, no matter how neurotic you are about your laundry.  If you're pressed for time or just don't like sorting laundry, this is the detergent for you!

Buy It:
You can find Purex No Sort where laundry detergent is sold.

Win It: 
 Win a product voucher for Purex No Sort:

 a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. haha....I've ended up with slightly pink undershirts before....I usually sort too so I'm blaming my husband for throwing his white shirt in with colors!

  2. Sorting laundry is a huge waste of energy because we have to run two medium loads rather than one large load. It would be nice if this product can eliminate that.


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