
Monday, February 13, 2017

Eat Healthy This Spring with an Electric Food Dehydrator from Rosewill! + Giveaway

**Complimentary products received in exchange for our honest review.  All opinions are ours and ours alone**

Spring is here on the Texas coast and we're looking forward to the fresh produce it brings!  We eat a lot of fruit and tend to buy in bulk when we can, but sometimes that leads to food waste when our goodies go bad before we can eat them.  Often, we'll make jellies and jams with overripe fruit, but another great idea is to dehydrate some of that fruit to have on hand for healthy snack options year round!  Thanks to Rosewill, we got to try our hand at drying fruit with the Electric Food Dehydrator:

This dehydratore has 5 stacking trays and inserts for herbs and other small items.  I love the adjustable thermostat (5 to 155 degrees F) which allows you to get the right temperature for what your drying.  That means you can dry more than just fruits and veggies, but meat, dairy, flowers, tea and so much more!

The booklet that comes with the dehydrator is full of helpful information on what to dehydrate, how to prepare your items and how long and at what temperature to run the unit.  It runs fairly quiet, which means you can run it all day or night without the noise bothering any one.

We really enjoyed our first round of fruit using our dehydrator.  The process was simple and the results were tasty!  We're looking forwad to our next round where we're going to try strawberry fruit leather.  Yum!

One lucky reader will win an Electric Food Dehydrator from Rosewill!  Enter below:

Disclosure: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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