
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Relax with September's Date Night In Box! #DateNightInBox

*DISCLOSURE* Thank you to Date Night In for providing product samples in order to facilitate this post.  All thoughts are strictly my own. 

Time for the September Date Night In post!  In case you missed last month's post, I have found a super fun company that is the perfect tool to strengthen your relationship with those you love!  Date Night In Box!  This awesome subscription service offers monthly boxes of goodies revolving around a central theme.  The activities and products in the box are meant to be used to provide you and your partner with a fun date night in each month.  What better way to connect with your partner than by sharing a new experience together in the comfort of your own home?  Check out our September Date Night In Box:

This box's Love At Ease theme is all about relaxation! It includes items to set the mood, games, authentic snacks, a handy dandy guide to help plan your Date Night In and more!

The included guide is full of great info.  It walks you right through the date, step-by-step.

Time to set the mood!  The guide tells you to clear your mind and get ready to unwind with the night's activities.
Each month, Date Night In curates a playlist to be the soundtrack of your date.  You can access the awesome list via Spotify.  We listened to this while making dinner.  What a great way to get the date started! 

This month's recipe card featured Cinnamon and Maple Creamer for your coffee and tea, Sage and Garlic Breakfast Sausage and Buttermilk Pancakes topped with Cinnamon Apples...perfect recipes for fall! .

You can find a printable grocery list for the recipes on Date Night In's site.  I thought the idea of cooking up a fabulous meal with my hubby was an awesome date even without all the other!  We love cooking together and we especially love eating together, so this was one of our favorite parts!

There were a couple of great games in this month's box.  First, Easy Rollin' a fun dice game:

There was also a crossword puzzle for two:

Another fun couple's activity in the September box is Sip and Savor.  We got to try out a couple of different coffee and tea samples and munched on this month's snack, some yummy biscotti, during our tasting.

There was a set of Couples Yoga pose cards as well:

What a great way to relax together!

The Reflection section of the guide gives you discussion topics, ways to continue your date night in.

As an added bonus, this box included a bottle of aromatherapy massage oil from Plantlife.  What could be more relaxing than a massage?!

We also found a Lavender scented laundry soap sample and a couple of great money saving coupons in this month's box.

This was way cheaper and lasted a lot longer than a "normal" date night.  In our opinion, it was way more fun too!

Looks amazing right?  To recap, for just $41.99 (with free shipping), you’ll get a complete date night totally planned out for you with several activities, ambiance, music, snacks, recommended dinner menu and more.  If faith is an important pillar of your relationship, Date Night In is now offering the option to include a faith-based discussion guide as part of your experience.  If you want to involve the kiddos, they have a Kid's Night In box as well!  So much  awesomeness!  Check it out!!

Trust me, after your first Date Night In experience, you will definitely find yourself looking forward to the next month's date!  This is a great way to get us to slow down and make a point to have at least one night, just the two of us, to reconnect and have some fun! 

Stay tuned for next month's Date Night In Box!

Disclosure: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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