The course is broken down into 4 segments depending on the skill level of the student. We started with Core Piano since both of our kiddos are new to the piano. We have had a keyboard for a few years and they've loved playing on it, but we've never given them any serious training. They were both really excited about starting the course and the Core Piano is a set of 33 lessons that cover everything a beginner needs to know. The kiddos learn how to find middle C, finger placement, how to sit properly, the musical alphabet, the five finger scale, and much more. These lessons are short and sweet and encourage hands on practice during and after the lesson. These lessons provide a great foundation for teaching beginners.
The course then proceeds seamlessly through Book 1 (beginner) Book 2 (beginner to intermediate-more complicated concepts, songs, and improvisation ideas) and Book 3 (intermediate- lessons on syncopation, voice leading and advanced scales for syncopation) Each book is comprised of several units and each unit is broken up into lessons and accompanying quizzes. These lessons are available online and the books are printable as PDF files. This is great because you can use them with several students and keep everything organized even if they are at different levels.
HomeSchoolPiano has a unique learn at home method that follows a 6 step cycle that makes mastering the piano a little easier. The steps are Technique, Rhythm, Ear Training, Reading, Song and Improvisation. This process aligns with the National Standards for Music Education and provides a curriculum that includes all nine NAfME requirements. With HomeSchoolPiano, you can have confidence that your students will be provided with thorough and valid lessons.
HomeSchoolPiano is completely self-paced and my kiddos really enjoyed the video lessons. Willie Myette makes it simple to understand and teaches in a really personable way. The ability to pause and rewind makes these lessons ideal for practicing and studying. I love the way the screen is setup in the video lessons. The screen is split into several sections. You can see your teacher and an overhead view of the keyboard he is playing. Plus, you get a view of a keyboard where the keys light up as they're being played which is very helpful for visual learners.
I love that these lessons are taught in a way that encourages artistic creativity in the students. I love that it isn't just rote memorization, but useful tips that allow students to explore their creative side and add their own flair to piano playing.
ABCD Diaries gives HomeSchoolPiano an A+!
Buy It:
HomeSchoolPiano is available as follows:
1. Success Package (One payment of $299)
Unlimited life-time access to HomeSchoolPiano along with all bonuses (downloads, jam tracks, sheet music) for up to 5 students.
2. Payment Plan (Payments of $99.97 per month for three months):
Unlimited life-time access to HomeSchoolPiano along with all bonuses (downloads, jam tracks, sheet music) for up to 5 students.
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From all of us at Jazzedge, we thank you for your unbiased review. Hope you enjoy the lessons!