About Raintees:
"We Save Trees with Tees
Rain Tees is a 100% organic line of apparel for women and children that features designs by youth living in endangered rain forests.
We donate school supplies to the children and ask them to illustrate what they see happening in their world every day. Each Rain Tee features their thoughts, illustrations and names, and for every item sold a child involved in the non-profit Kids Saving the Rain Forest receives a tree they can plant to replace one that has been destroyed.
Beth Doane created RainTees in 2007 when she realized just how toxic the fashion industry can be for the environment. Beth had already developed RainTees’ parent company Andira International at age 22, where she focused on launching, importing and distributing exclusive European brands to the United States market. 
The word “Andira” describes a tall tree which grows in the Brazilian Amazon and has been used for centuries by indigenous people for its medicinal properties. However, due to logging, oil drilling and agricultural expansion in the Amazon, the species has become nearly extinct.
As a result of this devastation, Beth wanted to launch a line that would educate consumers on critical environmental and social issues, end the negative effects of climate change, and not cause further damage to the earth in the process. When she realized that no such brand existed, she established Rain Tees.
Over the years, Andira has grown to offer consulting, design, distribution, and marketing to companies that want to launch products while remaining as eco-conscious as possible. Every collection Andira designs, imports or helps to produce is made using fair labor practices and contains no animal parts or products, as we believe fashion should always be cruelty free."
Win It: RainTees has generously offered one ABCD Diaries reader a gorgeous tee! To enter, you must either become a Facebook or Twitter follower of RainTees. Do both and get 2 entries:) Then do as many of the following to increase your odds of winning as you'd like:)
Giveaway ends Monday, January 3, 2011 at 11:59cst. Winner will be chosen via random.org and emailed. They will have 48 hours to reply. Open to US residents 18+
Disclosure: ABCD Diaries was in no way compensated for this giveaway.
"We Save Trees with Tees
Rain Tees is a 100% organic line of apparel for women and children that features designs by youth living in endangered rain forests.
We donate school supplies to the children and ask them to illustrate what they see happening in their world every day. Each Rain Tee features their thoughts, illustrations and names, and for every item sold a child involved in the non-profit Kids Saving the Rain Forest receives a tree they can plant to replace one that has been destroyed.

The word “Andira” describes a tall tree which grows in the Brazilian Amazon and has been used for centuries by indigenous people for its medicinal properties. However, due to logging, oil drilling and agricultural expansion in the Amazon, the species has become nearly extinct.
As a result of this devastation, Beth wanted to launch a line that would educate consumers on critical environmental and social issues, end the negative effects of climate change, and not cause further damage to the earth in the process. When she realized that no such brand existed, she established Rain Tees.

Buy It: Find these awesome shirts that give back at Raintees.com!
Win It: RainTees has generously offered one ABCD Diaries reader a gorgeous tee! To enter, you must either become a Facebook or Twitter follower of RainTees. Do both and get 2 entries:) Then do as many of the following to increase your odds of winning as you'd like:)
Extra Entries:
1.Subscribe to our RSS feed +2 entries...comment twice please
2.Follow ABCD Diaries via GFC +2 entries
1.Subscribe to our RSS feed +2 entries...comment twice please
2.Follow ABCD Diaries via GFC +2 entries
3.Follow ABCD Diaries via Twitter(leave id) +1 entry
4.Tweet about this giveaway(leave link)+1 entry per day(1 tweet/day)
5.Blog about this giveaway(leave link) +2 entries...comment twice please
6.Enter any other current giveaways on ABCD Diaries and leave a comment saying so. +1 for each entered
4.Tweet about this giveaway(leave link)+1 entry per day(1 tweet/day)
5.Blog about this giveaway(leave link) +2 entries...comment twice please
6.Enter any other current giveaways on ABCD Diaries and leave a comment saying so. +1 for each entered
Giveaway ends Monday, January 3, 2011 at 11:59cst. Winner will be chosen via random.org and emailed. They will have 48 hours to reply. Open to US residents 18+
Disclosure: ABCD Diaries was in no way compensated for this giveaway.
I follow RainTees on Twitter (@jennyg603)
ReplyDeletethese are cute shirts! although not sure they'll fit over my pregnant belly right now ;-)
I follow you via GFC #1
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I follow you on Twitter (@jennyg603)
I entered your Vitalicious giveaway (yum those things!)
I like Rain Tees on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway :)
I entered your Bakery on Main giveaway
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway :)
I entered your Tortuga Rum Cakes giveaway
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway :)
I entered your Ruth's Brownie Kitchen giveaway
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway :)
I entered your Reach/Rembrandt giveaway
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway :)
I entered your Vitalicious giveaway
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway :)
I follow you on Twitter - I'm @AmberGoo
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway :)
I follow your blog with google friend connect #2
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway :)
fb fan on rain tees
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twitter follow as tattgiff
ReplyDeletetattgiff at centurytel dot net
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ReplyDeletei became a twitter follower of raintees
drea8685 at yahoo dot com
like raintees on FB Jennifer Bee
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follow on google, Jennifer #1
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follow on google #2 Jennifer
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follow you on twitter @bayctygrl
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katie at coverbutton dot net
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Became a facebook fan of rain tees.
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Liked RainTee on FB as Judith B.
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entered your Do Tell giveaway
I follow Raintree tees on FB. Jo Sue
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ReplyDeleteentered snap n stack giveaway
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following raintees on twitter @mrsclutterbuck
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following you via GFC #1
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following abcd diaries on twitter @mrsclutterbuck
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entered ocean nasal care giveaway
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entered ruth's brownie kitchen giveaway
ReplyDeletemarija.majerle at gmail dot com
entered funky monkey snacks giveaway
ReplyDeletemarija.majerle at gmail dot com
entered bakery on main giveaway
ReplyDeletemarija.majerle at gmail dot com
entered oregon chai giveaway
ReplyDeletemarija.majerle at gmail dot com
entered tortuga rum cakes giveaway
ReplyDeletemarija.majerle at gmail dot com
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteentered vitalicious giveaway
ReplyDeletemarija.majerle at gmail dot com
entered nellie's all natural giveaway
ReplyDeletemarija.majerle at gmail dot com
Following Rain Tees on Twitter (@mandalarctic)
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Entered the Snapware giveaway
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Entered the Christmas Magic Chicken Soup for the Soul giveaway
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Entered the Tortuga Rum Cake giveaway
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Entered the Bakery on Main giveaway
ReplyDeletemandalarctic at gmail dot com
Entered the Nellie's Laundry giveaway
ReplyDeletemandalarctic at gmail dot com
Entered Do Tell Family Board game giveaway
ReplyDeletemandalarctic at gmail dot com
Entered Katz Gluten Free prize pack giveaway
ReplyDeletemandalarctic at gmail dot com
Entered Creativity for kids giveaway
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Entered the Kaleidsocope giveaway
ReplyDeletemandalarctic at gmail dot com
I entered Better Batter, Funky Monkey, Kaleidoscope, Do Tell, Bakery on Main, Dollhouse Kit, Rum Cake, Oregon Chai, RainTees, Vitalicious, Katz Bakery, Christmas Magic, Nellie's, Snapware, Get Energy, and Dry Soda giveaways ....Tiffypoot @ (aol.com) posting x 15
ReplyDeleteI entered Better Batter, Funky Monkey, Kaleidoscope, Do Tell, Bakery on Main, Dollhouse Kit, Rum Cake, Oregon Chai, RainTees, Vitalicious, Katz Bakery, Christmas Magic, Nellie's, Snapware, Get Energy, and Dry Soda giveaways ....Tiffypoot @ (aol.com) posting x 15
ReplyDeleteI entered Better Batter, Funky Monkey, Kaleidoscope, Do Tell, Bakery on Main, Dollhouse Kit, Rum Cake, Oregon Chai, RainTees, Vitalicious, Katz Bakery, Christmas Magic, Nellie's, Snapware, Get Energy, and Dry Soda giveaways ....Tiffypoot @ (aol.com) posting x 15
ReplyDeleteI entered Better Batter, Funky Monkey, Kaleidoscope, Do Tell, Bakery on Main, Dollhouse Kit, Rum Cake, Oregon Chai, RainTees, Vitalicious, Katz Bakery, Christmas Magic, Nellie's, Snapware, Get Energy, and Dry Soda giveaways ....Tiffypoot @ (aol.com) posting x 15
ReplyDeletei like raintees on fb as sarah williams
i follow via gfc
i follow via gfc #2
i entered the better batter giveaway
i entered the bakery on main giveaway
i entered the tortuga rum giveaway
i entered the oregon chai giveaway
i entered the katz giveaway
i entered the nellies giveaway
I entered Nellie's
ReplyDeleteI entered snapware
ReplyDeleteEntered the Dry Soda giveaway
ReplyDeletemandalarctic at gmail dot com
Entered the Himalayan Salt lamp giveaway
ReplyDeletemandalarctic at gmail dot com
I entered Himalayan Salt Lamp
ReplyDeleteI entered DRY soda
ReplyDeleteI entered get energy!
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Like RainTees on Facebook (Brutus Duffy)
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i follow raintees on twitter @1589m
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ReplyDeleteheatheranya at hotmail dot com
i follow you on twitter @1589m
ReplyDeleteheatheranya at hotmail dot com
i entered the bumgenius giveaway
ReplyDeleteheatheranya at hotmail dot com
i entered the salt lamp giveaway
ReplyDeleteheatheranya at hotmail dot com
Following Rain Tees on Twitter @sarohioan
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ReplyDeleteABCD twitter follower @sarohioan
ReplyDeleteI am a follower of ABCD diaries, I would like a chance to win the Raintees.
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ReplyDeleteI like rain tees on facebook. Thanks.
ReplyDeletemagic5905 at embarqmail dot com
I entered creativity for kids
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following Rain Tees on twitter as @pinklady705
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I Follow ABCD Diaries via GFC as pinklady705
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entered the Rum Cake from Tortuga Rum!!(1/2)
ReplyDelete2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com
entered the "Me Time" Gift Pack from Oregon Chai!!(1/2)
ReplyDelete2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com
entered the Huge Sampler from Vitalicious!!(1/3)
ReplyDelete2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com
entered the Sampler from Katz Bakery!!(1/4)
ReplyDelete2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com
entered the Christmas Magic from Chicken Soup for the Soul-3 Winners!!(1/4)
ReplyDelete2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com
entered the Cupcake/Cookie Carrier and Cake Saver from Snapware!!(1/6)
ReplyDelete2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com
entered the Get Energy! by Denise Austin-3 Winners!!(1/10)
ReplyDelete2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com
entered the Mixed Case of DRY Soda!!(1/12)
ReplyDelete2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com
entered the Gorgeous Himalayan Salt Lamp!!
ReplyDelete2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com
Following on Twitter (@Hotsnotty2) Thanks!
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FB fan of Rain Tees (Erin Greenup)
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I like Rain Tees on FB - Janet Fri
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I follow you on Twitter - Janetfaye
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Entered Discovery Bay Games
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ReplyDeleteentered himilyan salt lamp
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I follow raintees on twitter.(donnak4)
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2.I follow on GFC.